Our Programs
Friends of Guest House serves our clients through our core programs: the Residential-to-Aftercare program continuum, Workforce & Life Development Program, or the non-residential Outreach Program.

About Our Programs
Through the Friends of Guest House programs, we provide case management, mental health and substance abuse counseling, and life skills training across all core programs. We work within the greater D.C. Metropolitan area social services network to refer our clients for special services, child custody assistance, emergency services, and whatever else they may need to succeed.
Women are more likely to be non-violent offenders
It is important to understand that the circumstances of female incarceration are different than their male counterparts. Women are more likely to be non-violent offenders and those women who face incarceration are more likely to be the following:
The sole parent to a young child or children
A victim of violence, including domestic violence, sexual violence, and/or abuse
Facing mental health issues and/or substance use recovery
All Programs
Aftercare Program
Our Aftercare Program helps clients after they leave the Residential Program and transition into responsible members of their communities. This program ensures our clients continue to receive the services they need as they navigate the challenges of independent living and comply with probation requirements.