Ways to Give

If you believe that your past does not define your future, help us end the systematic cycle of incarceration–one woman, one family at a time. Your donation to Friends of Guest House is an investment in the tailored programs, proven approaches, and trained staff who motivate and encourage our clients.

Monthly Giving

Monthly Giving

Monthly donors ensure every client receives the tools, education, and second chance she deserves. By participating, you can spread your charitable giving throughout the year and help Friends of Guest House allocate our resources to best meet our clients’ needs. Knowing we can rely on steady support means Friends of Guest House can focus resources on the intensive case management services and reentry programs you believe in.

Here are a few examples of what your monthly donations can do:
• $25: new underwear and pajamas for a woman just released from jail
• $50: a fresh pillow, sheets, comforter, and towels for a new Guest House client
• $100: provides meals for one woman for 2.5 weeks

Changes can always be made to donations and can be stopped at any time. To get started, click here

Donor Advised Giving

Donor Advised Giving

Donate using a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

DAFs are a great tool for givers and nonprofits alike.  They allow individuals, families, and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock, and, in some cases, certain illiquid assets, to a registered 501(c)(3) organization.  Guest House currently uses DAF Direct, which allows donors to give online through their brokers.  If you have a Schwab, Fidelity or BNY Mellon account, use this link to plan your giving easily online.

For any other broker please reach out to info@friendsofguesthouse.org to get started.




Through workplace giving, you can designate a portion of your paycheck to Friends of Guest House instead of writing a check. Friends of Guest House is a member of both the United Way and Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). UW#8583/CFC#69155

You may be able to double or even triple your gift to Friends of Guest House through your employer’s Matching Gifts Program. Submit a Matching Gift Request to your employer’s HR or Benefits Department.

Stock and IRA

Stock and IRA

Friends of Guest House welcomes gifts in the form of stock, mutual funds and IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution. Making a gift of appreciated stock/IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution can benefit you as well as our residents. There can be tax benefits and you’ll feel great knowing you are giving a second chance to a woman who is committed to change.

To make a stock/IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution gift, notify your broker/financial advisor of your intention and Lewis Eggleston via email at lewis@friendsofguesthouse.org or phone at 571.217.4599.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Bequests by Will Many people choose to leave a legacy gift to Friends of Guest House so they can support second chances for women committed to change with the legacy they leave behind.

Planned giving is easy. All it takes is a quick phone call to your lawyer to add a charitable designation to your will. Charitable bequests allow you to designate an amount or percentage of your estate to Friends of Guest House after you’ve taken care of your family.

If you include Friends of Guest House in your plans, please use our legal name (Friends of Guest House, Inc.) and Federal Tax ID: 51-0201327

Establish your gift. All this takes is including a few sentences in your will or living trust with the help of your estate planning attorney.

In kind

In Kind

Friends of Guest House is not accepting in kind donations at this point in time. Please follow us on Facebook for in kind donation updates.